It’s looking like the wild weather we've had this winter isn't going away – it might actually get worse. Tyler Stanfield from Wunderground has an excellent analysis that predicts 3 hurricanes and 1 major hurricane along the Atlantic. Those of us in the west aren’t in for a walk in the park, either. The Weather Channel predicts 2014 may bring with it an El Nino cycle. Californians know this can bring dangerous amounts of rain, mudslides, and other weather-related hazards depending on the area.
What we’re saying at LPC is this: you need a spring storm bug out bag!
Putting together a bug out bag specifically for storms is simple. Modifying your existing bag so it’s storm ready isn't hard, either.
Here’s a handy checklist you can follow
What Should Be In Your Spring Storm Bug Out Bag?
To make sure you’re ready for a storm, have the following items in your bag ready to go:
Water (at least one gallon per person per day)
Rain gear
Duct tape
Weather alert radio
Waterproof matches
Tools including a wrench to turn off your utilities
Tarps, plastic sheeting, or even plywood to cover damaged windows
Why is water on this list? Even though you’ll be surrounded by water in the event of a storm, it may not be drinkable. Remember the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and how toxic the water was in New Orleans? Having your own water prevents this (although having a water filter such as the Berkey Water Filter System can effectively give you an unlimited water supply and is worth getting just for that reason.)
Of course, your storm bag should also contain anything you’ll need in a general emergency:
First aid kits
Can opener
Camp stove/heater
Personal hygiene supplies
Any medications you’ll need
Documents in a waterproof pouch or bag
Other Storm Considerations You NEED To Make
There’s more to storm survival than getting your bag ready. You should also make sure the following items are taken care of:
Family Contacts: Do you have a plan for how you’ll get in contact with your family in the event if a sudden, severe storm? If cell phone towers go out, those pieces of metal and plastic are just dead weight. Make sure your family has a safe place to meet. Everyone in your family should know how to text since text messages often still go through even when calls are down.
Get an ID: Every person in your family should have identification or contact cards in their possession. These cards should contain information on how to contact each adult family member. They may also want to have info on an out-of-state family member who can be contacted, too.
Have the Right Skills: The best time to earn the basic skills you might need to repair your home and life after a storm is BEFORE the storm hits. If you don’t know these skills already, learn basic plumbing, roofing, woodworking, and other important skills that could help you fix anything wrecked by the weather.
Stay fueled: It’s a good idea to always keep your vehicle with as much fuel as possible. In college, I was once of those guys who constantly drove around on empty. If I understood how quickly my vehicle would become useless in an emergency, I would have kept it near full like I do now.
Remember, in a storm disaster scenario, you won’t have time to wait for national aid or the Red Cross to come save you. You’ll be personally responsible for your family’s safety for days or even weeks until other help arrives. Make sure you've got the items on this checklist covered, and you’ll be fine.
Have you or your family been in a major storm? What would you do differently to prepare for next time? Please share in the comments!
Jeff “TheBerkey Guy”
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