Tuesday, March 13, 2012, The Berkey Guy interviewed Lisa “The Survival Mom” Bedford and discussed, among other things, the new printed release of her book: Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios. In April, the Kindle version of her book will also be available.
Have a listen to their interview here on the player below. Fast forward to about 7:25 into the show to hear Lisa start talking with Jeff. She talks about her start as “The Survival Mom” and the natural progression to becoming better prepared & more educated. She was an awesome guest and we are happy to support her efforts in all she does!
This clip was confirmation for me, as if I needed any, that I am going in the right direction. I have been preaching “prepare” for the last couple years. I have wondered where to get info for my kids who have small children. All my preparedness is adult centered. Voila! This lady! Thanks for all things Berkey and the other products you promote. Didn’t know you had a program. I have absolutely NO doubt that all this preparing will be needed by all of us. Whether it be weather related, financial, economic…c’mon people, like Lisa said our parents and gparents considered storing and preparing prudent and to do otherwise is folly. Flashback to the ark.