
Free Download: Education After the Collapse by Todd Sepulveda


Our good friend Todd Sepulveda from has a great eBook that I am in the process of reading. Usually, I've got an aggressive list of reading material that I have to shorten before I add another in place of the most recent finish. I've known about Todd's eBook Education After the Collapse for a few months. Jeff “The Berkey Guy” and I both had the pleasure of meeting Todd and his father earlier this year in Texas. Todd & his father were both easy guys to talk with and although schedules didn't permit us to visit longer, it was great to connect with them. You can't help but like the guys.

Todd informed us about his book launch a few months ago and we were excited for him. I think he has now broke 3,000 downloads of the book on his site! (“Ed” stands for education in case ya didn't know.)

Well, what prompted me to break my standard & download the PDF onto my tablet late last night and start reading it? I'll tell ya. My son Joshua is 6 & he's in first grade. He attends a great school & he likes his school teacher. My wife and I have not met the teacher yet but we will within this next. We make sure to meet adults who will be working directly with our children since they are going to be influential people in their lives. As beneficial as public schooling can be, we are hoping to transition to a homeschool environment where my wife & I can become our children's primary educators, in concert with other talented & proactive parents. My work schedule is prohibitive at this point but it is a goal that we are working toward. As I have been studying & pondering Joshua's experiences & interactions in school, I have taken to reading more info…such as Todd's book.

I want you to know that I think Todd's book is good so far. The principles he discusses in terms of education & the foresight to engage learning proactively are right on point. The premise for the book though is clever. I like how he uses the concept of a potential collapse scenario as a catalyst for educational considerations. The likelihood of some kind of disruptive event is there, whether folks want to accept it or not. My take-away from his book are the following points:

  • *I can take a proactive role in my children's learning now.
  • *By educating myself on teaching & learning methods, development needs, appropriate content and standards, I can reinforce the learning & make it relative to daily living.
  • *By getting involved now, I am better prepared to support my children's life-learning…even if nothing catastrophic happens!

You can download his book & visit his site:

You can also download his eBook by clicking on the image below. Enjoy!


-David SafeWater




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