As so many consumers are concerned about doomsday befalling the world in December 2012, a seemingly equal amount of companies which supply “preparedness products” are intent on exploiting those fears, rational or not. To those kinds of companies, profits from fear-marketing are justified. We encourage individuals and families to become more self-reliant and prepared for […]
Author Archive | David
The Skinny on Gluten
What is gluten and what should you know about it? In the modern world information is literally a few keystrokes away, it seems easy enough to be in the know on any subject, but sometimes there’s too much to digest (pun intended). The information superhighway can be overloaded with conflicting opinions as well, but there […]

Looking Beyond Ourselves
How many times have you ever felt burnt-out, spent, or unproductive? Although you are working and working, accomplishing priorities and achieving your goals little by little, you might feel as though you are in a rut. Although success is often perceived as the end-result of a continual applied effort, success is present every step of […]

Video: Shocking Water Filter Review & Comparison
Do you own any of these systems? If you own anything other than a Berkey system, it might be featured here in this video by LDSPrepper. He has over 150 videos and has tons of subscribers on his YouTube channel. If you get a chance, visit his channel and subscribe to it. We recently heard […]

Featured: 8 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Today
What? You have stress in your life too? The following article has some great suggestions that we can all definitely use: One in five adults in the U.S. experienced a mental illness in 2010. So perhaps it’s not surprising that there is an unprecedented number of ads on TV for drugs that will supposedly treat […]

Featured: What Else Happened on the 4th of July?
Our friends Dr. Bones & Nurse Amy authored the following article on July 4 and we are glad to share it with you here: To the Self-Reliant, This is a very special day in American history. On this day in 1776, some influential patriots from 13 British colonies united to throw off their shackles and […]

Featured: DIY Soapmaking – How to Make Cold Process Soap
I have always had my reservations about lye. I think that it stems from the fact that as a young boy I heard more than a few instances of how lye killed someone or an animal from that person or pet from ingestion/direct contact. That has always stuck with me. The actual ingredient is sodium […]

Did You Know…
We wish you a happy & safe July4th! Since we are all celebrating the United States’ Independence Day, we thought it would be fitting to feature the following article which touches on little known facts about the holiday that offers many employees a coveted day-off. The following article originally appeared on our National Archives website: […]

Youtube of The Blade Show, ATL, GA: Sootch00 and The Berkey Guy
Sootch00 is a long-time friend of LPC Survival, Ltd. and Jeff “The Berkey Guy” Gleason. We are happy that Sootch00 and Jeff were finally able to meet in person at the recent Blade Show in Atlanta, GA. In the video, Jeff explains some of the products he had available at the show as well as […]

Featured: Socialization Is A Benefit Of Homeschooling
This article was written by Chris Nesmith and discusses the myth that a public school education is the best option for socializing children. Please share your thoughts after reading the article. Whenever the topic of family education faces, a question is raised to be sure – that of socialization. While even the most cynical skeptics […]