The following article is used here with permission from our friends Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy. Enjoy! We have discussed the issue of trauma evaluation and treatment in various articles over the past year, but we have rarely brought up the issue of dental trauma. During the Vietnam war, medical personnel reported that there were […]
Archive | Portable Water Purification
Lunch Ain’t Free!
For those of you fellow preppers out there, how many times have you heard this from your family, friends, or neighbors when they start talking about a disaster happening and they plan on living unprepared?: “I’ll just go to [insert your name here]’s house!” Chances are that even for those of us who live quietly, […]
Video of Christopher Nyerges’ Survival/EDC Pack
Here’s a great video that makes you laugh & gives us a view into what Christopher carries in his survival kit. Be sure to check out when you can. They’re fun & educational, Enjoy!

Weaving with Christopher Nyerges from Doomsday Preppers
Earlier this year, Christopher Nyerges was recently featured on National Geographic’s Doomsday Preppers. Most of us preppers got a laugh out of the show, especially those of us who know Christopher personally. I personally know that his first priority isn’t the bed of the Los Angeles river, foraging for wild greens with packets of salad […]

What If Nothing Happens?
Yesterday, I spoke with a gentleman in New York who tried to educate me on preparedness. He mentioned so many different concerns, many of which were legitimate and some were just out there. With so much going on in our Nation and throughout the world at large, it’s tough to ignore so much writing on […]

Replenishing Your Water Storage
While frequently helping individuals and families set up their emergency drinking water storage, one of the most repeated tips that surfaces is that their water storage should be routinely rotated or replenished within a six to twelve-month period. For many, this comes as an unwelcomed surprise, as if water should just be able to set […]

Author Lisa Bedford, The Survival Mom on The Berkey Guy Radio Show
Tonight @ 5PM PST, The Berkey Guy will be interviewing Lisa “The Survival Mom” Bedford on his weekly radio show. You can tune in to here it live by clicking HERE or by clicking on the banner below. Among the several things that they will discuss, is HarperOne’s release of the paperback edition of her […]

Controversy & Science of Pressure Cooking
Our friends at have written another great article that we are happy to share with you here today. We post it with their permission. Some swear by pressure cooking because of high altitude living constraints, meat tenderizing, energy reduction, nutrient preservation, or convenience. Other advise against it because it leaches antioxidants, makes meat stringy […]

Hospital Patients Spend Days without Water
It’s hard enough being admitted into the hospital to receive needed medical attention…but imagine being a patient and not being able to bathe or flush the toilet for several days! A news article reports that patients in a South African hospital were without the necessity of water for days. Things were so bad that the […]

Product Review: Berkey Light
Bobbi from was kind enough to write a review of the Berkey Light system. Here is an excerpt with her permission: Being prepared: Water Being prepared for emergencies is a very important topic to me. Living on the Gulf Coast of Florida we have hurricanes during the summer and fall and they can devastate people’s […]