Minimal preps refers to minimal amounts of resources and energy needed to prepare something, in this case it is food. As your emergency preps move closer to the a Long-Term time frame, you should anticipate a transition period. A transition from what-to-what? Well, this series specifically focuses on food considerations. So, we’ll keep it there. […]
Archive | Seeds
Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1b/5)
Yesterday, I mentioned the characteristics of Immediate Nutrition components. They included the following: Easily & Safely stored Easily Accessible Open & Eat Retains shelf-life of 3-6 months Light-weight & Compact Weather-Resistant Packaging Nutrient-Dense* Tastes Good & Your Body Processes it well As promised, I’ll go into a little more detail on the points mentioned above. […]
Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Immediate Nutrition-No Preps (1a/5)
I spoke with a good friend of mine a few months ago and asked him what his ideal 72-Hour kit would contain. He’s a very idealistic guy who leaves no question as to what he’s thinking. His immediate response was: “It would be all water!” His response was right but impractical. Aside from the 3-Component […]
Food Considerations in Times of Crises: Overview
Millions of voices in the marketplace are all screaming for your business, “Buy this product!” It can get downright tiring and confusing when you’re trying to make a choice about which product and service you’re gonna use. If you’re lucky enough to really know what you want and why you want it before shopping, then […]
Welcome to The Berkey Guy’s Blog!
I’d like to extend a cordial welcome to you! We look forward to providing you with great information to help you on your way to achieving greater self-reliance and peace. Please subscribe to our RSS feed and you will automatically receive updates as we make content available here. By subscribing, you will also receive a […]
Emergency Seedbank: Plant an Heirloom, Non-GMO, Non-hybrid, Victory Garden
Provide Your Own Food Whether food is plentiful or when it becomes scarce in a crisis, provident living means providing for your own with the resources available to you. Having the right quality of seeds is crucial! Our Emergency Seedbanks consist of open-pollinated, heirloom seeds which are 100% Non-hybrid & 100% Non-GMO. Open-Pollinated – traditional […]