I like this video by Sootch00 because it is simple and has good information on items to carry within your Every Day Carry.
Archive | Technology
Texas Drought Requires Trucks to Bring Water from Over 10 Miles Away
Spicewood Beach, Texas is now dealing with having to go the extra miles in order to access water to their community. Over one-thousand residents of the community have had to rely on water being trucked in from more than ten miles away. The trucked-in water is being replenished several times a day, and residents now […]
Featured Royal Berkey Review: Katie from KitchenStewardship.com
Our friend Katie at KitchenStewardship.com recently shared her experience with her Royal Berkey Water Purification system in her home. It is always great to see people enjoying clean water with their families. Below are some of the pictures that she featured on that blog post and a small excerpt from it. Click on the images […]
Featured Medical Tip: Got Something in Your Eye?
One of the most important assets to possess during a less-than-desirable-situation is…one’s health! When life is “good” and you are not trapped on bed rest, recovering from a debilitating illness, or some other physical limitation, it’s easy to take good health for granted. Now, picture this: A sudden earthquake rattles your location and shuts down […]
Featured Review: Winning Contestant Reviews Royal Berkey on TheSurvivalBlog
Today on TheSurvivalBlog, a contestant who won third place in a writing contest posted his review of the Royal Berkey Water Purification system. He won the Royal Berkey as a prize which LPC Survival, Ltd. sponsored for the third placing winner. Here is an excerpt from his letter: “The first item I want to review […]
Featured Post: The Complete Pictorial Guide to Quick Soaking Beans
I came across an awesome article by Angela from FoodStorageandSurvival.com. It offers a cool tip I never knew…until now! Enjoy! Sometimes when I want a meal with beans I remember the day before and soak my beans overnight. But sometimes I forget to get the beans soaking and remember in the late morning on the […]
SOS: Thoughts on Italy’s Costa Concordia’s Capsizing
The tragedy in Italy this weekend has definitely shaken many individuals who will be traveling on cruise ships, no doubt. While we are awaiting the causative details of this tragedy, we already know that Captain Francesco Schettino had deviated from the ship’s charted course. Five fatalities are the current count as of this writing, with many more […]
Price Increase Update: Wise Food Meat Supply
Save 13% by purchasing Wise Food’s Real Meat Bucket THIS WEEK ONLY at $109! Effective Monday, January 23, 2012, the new price will be increased to $125.00, this is per Wise Food Company, the manufacturer of Wise Food Storage products. We offer Wise Food Products as a potential solution for individuals looking for food storage […]
Featured SnoMan Video: Smoking Meat Lesson Part 1
Manny at SurvivalNewsOnline.com just uploaded another great video. Enjoy! Be sure to tune back in for Part 2!
News Stack: Pennsylvanians Plea Water from EPA, Decor Wall Fountain spreads Legionnaires, & Water Condenser
Residents of Dimock Township in Pennsylvania were scheduled to rally outside of the Academy of Natural Sciences this morning. Lisa Jackson of the EPA was scheduled to attend the meeting regarding Cabot Oil & Gas Corp.’s drilling activities and the potential resulting contamination of drinking water resources. I have not read any updates as to […]