Sprouting, ever heard of it? Have you ever tried it? I sprouted some seeds years ago when I lived in southern California. I had purchased a sprouting kit from my friend Connie Nielsen over at Life Sprouts. But, it wasn’t until I started researching and learning about fodder that I began to wonder why seeds […]
Tag Archives | seeds
She Literally Eats Out of Her Gutters…
By LPC Survival on October 27, 2011 in Communications, Educational, Emergency Seedbank, Food, Herb Seedbank, Seeds, Shelter, Water
…rain gutters, of course! Suzanne Forsling has become somewhat of a celebrity for her ingenuity. Her resourcefulness finds a practical application for re-purposing rain gutters. Have a read: I am from Iowa, so I have an inherent need to grow vegetables. Each winter, I dream up ways of trying to garden in Juneau’s environment which, […]
Emergency Seedbank: Plant an Heirloom, Non-GMO, Non-hybrid, Victory Garden
Provide Your Own Food Whether food is plentiful or when it becomes scarce in a crisis, provident living means providing for your own with the resources available to you. Having the right quality of seeds is crucial! Our Emergency Seedbanks consist of open-pollinated, heirloom seeds which are 100% Non-hybrid & 100% Non-GMO. Open-Pollinated – traditional […]